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Procedure to Remove Saggy Skin Soars Are Trending

The latest trend in male groin grooming is a scrotal lift.  The procedure, otherwise referred to as scrotoplasty or reduction, is perform...

France promises tough sanctions on North Korea

French President Francois Hollande promised on Friday (Jun 3) to enforce tough sanctions on North Korea, which faced UN condemnation ...

Instagram Order Feed By Popularity

Instagram is is finally rolling out its new algorithmic timeline, which orders your feed based on "what you care about" rathe...

Homemade Scrub To Whiten Dark Underarms

Do you hesitate to wear tank tops or sleeveless outfits because of the embarrassing dark underarms? If yes, then do read on, as we've ...

4 Tips Mengobati Benjolan Merah di Kelopak Mata

Pernahkah Anda menemukan benjolan merah di kelopak mata Anda? Benjolan ini dikenal dengan nama bintitan dan biasanya disebabkan oleh str...

Kaca Mata yang Bisa Bantu Pasien Buta Melihat Akan Diuji di Eropa

Iris II, alat yang diyakini bisa membantu pasien buta melihat, akan diuji di Eropa.  Teknologi ini didasarkan pada teknik yang dikenal ...

Facebook Messenger Adds More Diversity to Emojis, Including the Oft Requested Redhead

The oft requested redhead emoji is coming to Facebook, along with more than 100 other new characters reflecting the diversity of our wo...

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